The Golf Telephone Hotline can be reached at 925-906-5355.
You may leave a message to register for 9-Hole & 18-Hole tournaments, cancel a previous registration, make special requests for pairings, ask to be added to a waiting list after the deadline and check to see if a tournament has been cancelled due to inclement weather or other reasons.
18 Hole Golf
To register for Boundary Oak you need to signup online, unless, the deadline has passed. please indicate whether you are Walking or Riding and indicate yes or no if there is a special event.
If you wish to register for Boundary Oak and the deadline has passed, please leave a message on the hotline and the organizer will contact you about availability
To registerg for Paid-in-Advance tournaments, signup online first and then please mail your check prior to the deadline to SIR Branch 116 Golf, P. O. Box 683, Lafayette, CA 94549-0683.
If you wish to register for Paid in Advance Tournaments and the deadline has passed, please leave a message on the hotline and the organizer will contact you about availability
Electronic Cancellations
You may cancel a previous online signup either by using the telephone hotline or by sending an email to