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The 18-Hole Group typically plays every Monday morning except the Monday of the SIR luncheon; the Group plays on the Tuesday following the luncheon. Signups can occur via the hotline, on this website (navigate to 18-Hole Group/Schedules & Signups), or on signup sheets available at the SIR luncheons or during tournaments.  Typically, the first two tournaments of the month are at Boundary Oak Golf Course in Walnut Creek, with payment made in the course’s pro shop on the day of the tournament.  Other tournaments require advance payment to the Treasurer by a specified deadline.  Volunteer Organizers arrange the pairings for each foursome.

Golfers compete for the first three low net spots each week in one of three flights during both halves of the year.  The leader of each flight at the end of June competes with the leader of each flight at the end of December to determine the Club Champion.   Additional information about other awards can be found by navigating to Administrative/Awards.

Golfers may choose to invest in a hole-in-one pot. When an investor makes a hole-in-one at one of our 18-hole tournaments they will win the pot, and we will start collecting for a new one.