The Scorer plays in the last group and collects all the scorecards from the Captain of the last group. He ensures the pickup of the closest-to-the-hole bags and distributes them to the appropriate holes for the succeeding tournament. He assures that blank forms are available in the bag for the subsequent tournament.
The scoring template may be downloaded to your desktop or laptop computer by clicking on the link that follows:
Link to Fillable Scoring Sheet: 2025 Fillable Summary Sheet
Once you have clicked on the link to the scoring template, save it to your computer as a PDF file naming it for the date of the tournament (ex: 7-5-21). You can then fill it out on your computer. Once completed by transferring information from the individual scorecards, the results should be sent to the Webmaster ( for posting on the website. Please note that the template is designed to be filled out only after you save it on your computer. Also, print out a copy and leave it in the briefcase.
More specifically, the responsibilities of the Scorer are as follows:
- Before the round, get the briefcase and store it – in your car, or in the Pro Shop to be picked up after the round
- During the round, collect the “closest-to-the-pin” signs at the tees and the bags at the holes. After the round, collect all the score cards.
- Record the scores for the round.
- Record each golfer’s score, handicap and net score on the ROUND SUMMARY sheets.
- Record the “closest to” information (names only – no distances required)
- Determine point winners
- In the column “POS” put a “1”, “2” or “3” for the first three places (including ties)
- Ties — SIR Golf awards points for the first three places. If there is a tie for first, the next position is third. If there is a three way tie for first, the next place is fourth — no points. If there is a tie for second, the next place is fourth — no points.
- Do the following only for those golfers who appear to have won points:
- Check the addition and subtraction for that player on the score card. The winner’s score cards should now be correct.
- Enter the point information on the ROUND SUMMARY sheet under the WEEKLY SUMMARY column.
- weekly summary E-mail example:
Flt 1: Bogart 72, Cooper 74, Peck 75 and Stewart 75. Low Gross – Wayne 83
Flt 2: Dewey 70, Cheatum 71, and Howe 75. Low Gross – Fixit 99
Flt 3: Harlow 68, Lombard 69, and West 71. Low Gross – Garbo 102.
Flt 4: Nixon 65, Ford 67, and Carter 72. Low Gross – Reagan 105.
Closest-to #2: Abbott, Costello, Laurel, Hardy
- You can omit the points from the e-mail – the Webmaster can calculate them.
- Award “closest-to” golf balls.
- There are four closest-to-the-pin awards, one for each flight. Each wins a sleeve of three golf balls.
- There should be four labeled sleeves. Write the names on the labels and put in the briefcase.
- Store the completed Summary Sheet and the score cards in the briefcase and bring the briefcase to the next tournament.